In order to search our MEMBERSHIP records, information you need to provide is:
If you are looking for information on a former STUDENT, please provide us with:
Research requests should be directed to, Send an email to us and provide the above requested information.
Our records are mostly of annual reports from all of the Lodges, for as far back as the records survive. The annual reports list the current members and dates of membership change, such as when a Member joined the Lodge (by initiation or by transfer from another Lodge) and when a Member leaves the Lodge (by death, resignation, or transfer to another Lodge). Details, such as what Lodge the Member transferred to or from, are in the Lodge’s records. When a Lodge surrenders its Charter (closes), its records are to be transferred to the Grand Lodge or Rebekah Assembly Office of that Jurisdiction. If a Lodge consolidates with another Lodge, its records transfer to the other Lodge.
Searching for a name can take time and the more information provided to narrow the search, the more likely someone will be able to find confirmation of Lodge Membership.
The Grand Lodge of Texas will only have TEXAS records.
If you are needing info out of state, please click the button below.
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